Made this game for the olc jam with C/C++ and the olcPixelGameEngine

The source is on GitHub (and realy messy).

Try to crouise as long as possible through time use A and D to avoid Spikes and colleced hearts. Use W and S to locate time portals and SPACE to use them.

Note: I´m not shure if win and linux fieles are working


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Nice Game :) Cool  idea with the teleporting

Nice little game :) The teleporting is a little buggy, and it would be nice if it increased in difficulty over time. I got to 15000 and it was pretty easy :)

15000 respect :] it should increase in speed idk thanks for playing to all :D

This is fun. Love the graphics for the ball and for the spikes. Was difficult to figure out where I would teleport when I did. Almost got to 2000 though! 

Good game man. pretty cool stuff I like it

There is a bug if you press space. But otherwise I find the controls pretty crude. A tween for smooth would have been fine. ;)